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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Haverhill Pow Wow 2007

The MCNAA Plug Pond Pow Wow in Haverhill.

Native American levity is apparent as my friend Don donned his rain gear and a snorkel in the dance circle - It was raining off and on during they day. Who says we are all "stoic" and serious?

Cheyenne, Beth, and Indigo (in the back) are doing a blanket dance (collecting money donations for the drum). Behind them on the right, is the "Native American flag," a wooden post with an eagle feather. Behind them on the left is the United States flag. This particular flag was one of the three flown at the World Trade Center and it was given to the Lakota Honor Guard who have travelled all over the country with it.

This video is a "Men's Traditional" dance, "Duck and Dive." It's becoming quite popular now. Cheyenne and I even had a chance to try out this dance at the Bedford Pow Wow where there was informal night dancing.