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Sunday, October 14, 2007

History (a sampling)


1. ______ In 1924, U.S. citizenship was granted to Native Americans, giving dual citizenship as members of Nations/tribes and as citizens of the United States.

2. ______ In 1900, 25% of the U.S. population was considered Native American/Indigenous.

3. ______ In 1924, The Racial Integrity Act passed in Virginia and proclaimed the existence of only two racial categories in Virginia- "pure" white and everybody else (i.e. colored). The act made interracial marriages illegal and classified many Native Americans as black. This act defined who would qualify as members of the "white" race. The law stripped Native Americans (b/c Indians were perceived by proponents of law to be blacks trying to pass) and members of other ethnics groups with dark skin, of their land, voting rights, and legal identity.

4. ______ The 1992 census showed more babies born to two parents who both identify as Native American than to those born of racially mixed parentage.

5. ______ The 1992 census showed that 2% of all marriages or 1.2 million couples are made up of interracial relationships.

6. ______ In 1893, Columbus Day was proclaimed a national holiday, and in honor of the celebration, the Pledge of Allegiance was written.

7. ______ In 1890, The Ghost Dance appeared in an attempt to resist white incursion through a special form of dancing and singing to roll back the earth, taking with it the settlers and bringing back the buffalo.

8. ______ 1621 was the first treaty between U.S. and Native Americans (the Wampanoags).

9. ______ In 1886, a federal policy forbid Native American language books or instruction.

10. ______ About 120 years ago, Geronimo (Apache) surrendered after 15 years of fighting the U.S.

11. ______ In 1976, a lawsuit filed to recover the 600 acres of the Pequot reservation sold without permission in 1856, resulted in a $700,000 settlement.

12. ______ NA’s were guaranteed First Amendment religious freedom protection in 1791 with the inclusion of The Bill of Rights into the Constitution.

13. ______ In 1887, the Allotment Act implemented "blood quantum" restrictions as well as formal enrollment into Native American tribes.

14. ______ In 1900, The Foraker Act established a civilian government in Puerto Rico under U.S. dominance. The law allowed for islanders to elect their own House of Representatives, but did not allow Puerto Rico a vote in Washington.